- 2020.6.15 プレスリリース
[Press Release] AWL Starts PoC with CyberAgent on “Media-Oriented Store” at New SATUDORA Store
- 2020.6.15
[Press Release] AWL Starts PoC with CyberAgent on “Media-Oriented Store” at New SATUDORA Store
- プレスリリース
Press Release
AWL Starts PoC with CyberAgent on
“Media-Oriented Store” at New SATUDORA Store
-Aiming to integrate online/offline, make it a new and stable revenue source for stores-
Tokyo, Japan – June 10, 2020 – With the aim of “Establishing online / offline integrated marketing platform”, AWL, Inc. (“AWL”, Head Office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan, President: Muneharu Kitade), a leading AI camera solutions provider for retailers, has announced that AWL started a demonstration experiment with CyberAgent, Inc. (“CyberAgent”, Head Office: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan, President: Susumu Fujita) at “SATUDORA Kita 8 Jo Store” (Higashi 4-chome, Kita 8 Jo, Higashi-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido), opened at the first floor of the under-construction new head office of SAPPORO DRUG STORE CO.,LTD. (“SAPPORO DRUG STORE”, Head Office: Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, President: Hiroki Tomiyama), a subsidiary of SATUDORA HOLDINGS (TSE: 3544).
[Purpose of the demonstration experiment]
As measures to combat the spread of COVID-19, the solutions such as visualization of store congestion status utilizing AI camera, fever screening at the storefront, mask detection, disinfectant solution use detection, and also monitoring social distancing have been introduced in various industries including retailers.
Under the circumstances, Digital Transformation (DX) to drive a shift to remote control, digitalization, and manpower-saving, etc. taking advantage of physical stores has been gaining greater attention. To realize “Media-Oriented (Web) Store”, AWL conducts demonstration experiment with the purpose of delivering one-to-one and optimum advertising to each customer, and accurately measure advertising effectiveness utilizing AI cameras by digitizing customer behavior at physical store and seamlessly integrate it with online data on one platform.
Gathering the wisdom of three companies, we aim to create successful examples of “Media-Oriented (Web) Store” as retailers by developing OMO platform to validate and realize online / offline integrated solutions: SAPPORO DRUG STORE’s accumulated know-how on digital transformation acquired through proactive AI / IoT introduction such as AI cameras / sensors, CyberAgent’s networks and know-how as a company with a proven track record in online advertising billings in Japan, and AWL’s AI camera solutions for retailers which digitalize / visualize every actions in store.
[Utilization of “AWL Lite”, which enables AI features on signages]
Through this demonstration experiment using “AWL Lite”, which enables AI features on signages and gathers data on “number of customer who watched the ad”, “ad viewer rating”, and “ad watching time”, we aim to not only increase sales but also promote operational efficiency by developing automatic sales promotion platform and improving accuracy of sales promotion utilizing digital signages in cooperation with retailers.
*OMO: Abbreviation of “Online Merges with Offline (Online-Offline integration)”. The marketing strategy to enhance customer experience by going beyond online/offline boarder and offering integrated services.
The press release on the opening of a SATUDORA store at the first floor of new head office (Japanese).
[SATUDORA Kita 8 Jo Store overview]
Name : SATUDORA Kita 8 Jo Store
Floor space : 445 tsubo (1,718 square meter)
Parking : 50 (Bike parking: 39)
Store Hours : 9:00am-9:50pm
■AWL Inc.
Chief Executive Officer : Muneharu Kitade, President
Location : Shin-Tokyo Building 4F 434, 3-3-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0005 Japan
Established : June 2016
Business : AI Camera Solutions Business
Fujimatsu, Uchida
TEL: 03-6671-7392