AI Ethics Guidelines
AWL, Inc. (“we” or the “Company”) contributes to resolving social issues and to realizing sustainable societies through its ongoing mission to create additional value through the utilization of artificial intelligence (AI) and other technologies. As a developer of AI, the Company understands the impact that AI has on society, and in addition to improving levels of convenience in services, we seek to develop and utilize AI with the security and safety of our customers in mind. In formulating these AI Ethics Guidelines (these “Guidelines”), we intend to engage further with our diverse stakeholders and contribute to the advent of a society that incorporates human-centric AI based on AI-related technologies and international trends. We will review these Guidelines from time-to-time in light of technological innovations in AI systems and the like and make revisions in a flexible manner as necessary.
1.Realizing a society that incorporates human-centric AI
We endeavor to develop and use AI for the purpose of realizing a human-centric and prosperous society that respects human dignity and human rights.
2.Compliance with laws
We strictly comply with the laws and regulations of each country and region in developing and using AI-equipped products and services.
3.Appropriate use of AI
We take care to ensure that the AI-equipped products and services we provide assist users of AI and appropriately avail them of the opportunity to make choices, while striving to ensure that our customers and business partners are able to use AI for appropriate purposes.
4.Ensuring safety and security
We take care to ensure that the use of AI systems and the like do not harm the life, body, or property of any user of AI or any other third party.
We also remain mindful of security with respect to AI systems and the like and endeavor to provide AI-equipped products and services that can be used safely.
5.Attention to privacy
We appropriately handle any data that contains personal information and take care to ensure that privacy is not infringed in relation to our AI-equipped products and services.
6.Emphasizing fairness and eliminating discrimination
In providing AI-equipped products and services, we are always conscious of the fact that bias can arise in the outcomes of determinations made by AI; we respect human dignity and human rights within the context of a society where a diverse population co-exists with one another and strive to eliminate unfair discrimination and bias based on religion, nationality, race, political views, or other beliefs or manifestations of social status.
We strive to increase the transparency of AI in our AI-equipped products and services.
We also strive to fulfill our duty to explain the purpose, and means of use, of AI and the various impacts anticipated when using AI-equipped products and services.
8.Progress in AI and development of human resources
We strive to continually improve AI technology as well as the products and services that appropriately use that technology.
We also proactively endeavor to properly understand AI technology and the issues and impacts arising from it and to develop human resources that contribute to the realization of a society that incorporates AI and that respects human dignity and human rights.