- 2021.9.28
AWL’s PoC in India featured by JETRO in “Sansan Innovation Project 2021 Innovation Project 2021”
- 2021.9.28
AWL’s PoC in India featured by JETRO in “Sansan Innovation Project 2021 Innovation Project 2021”
AWL’s PoC activities in India were featured by JETRO Vice President Kazuya Nakajo in “Sansan Innovation Project 2021 Innovation Project 2021” hosted by the Japanese leading company of business card management firm Sansan.
“New overseas business creation in post COVID era – Asia Digital Transformation in Asia and India, the latest trend of open innovation” (Japanese)
Related article:
AWL honored with “Subsidy to Promote and Support New business Creation such as Asia DX
(Japan-India Economic Industrial Cooperation Project)” by Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO). (August 4, 2020)
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