- 2020.7.20
[Press Release by Toppan Printing] Toppan Printing launches solutions to prevent infectious disease, utilized at events
- 2020.7.20
[Press Release by Toppan Printing] Toppan Printing launches solutions to prevent infectious disease, utilized at events
TOPPAN PRINTING CO., LTD., which has been working on PoC with AWL as a partner to develop automatic sales promotion platform and AI-enabled mask detection service, launched solutions to prevent infectious disease to be utilized at the events.
This time, the fever detection service is added to the conventional services, which has launched in May 2020: mask and congestion detection to prevent infectious disease utilizing AI camera. Also, the contact-tracing service is provided to notify potential infection cases after the event through LINE App.
Reference: Collaboration with Toppan Printing and AWL.
Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun featured ”AWL Lite”, AI-powered solutions co-developing with Toppan Printing to detect mask wearing and congestion. (Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun, July 8, 2020)
Toppan Printing Co., Ltd. and AWL co-develop automatic sales promotion platform utilizing AI camera, now conducting demonstration experiment at Toppan’s on-site Kiosk. The news is covered by Nikkei Shimbun. (Nikkei Shimbun, November 28, 2019)